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    Tristin's Mod App.


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-03-27
    Age : 26
    From : CANADA

    Tristin's Mod App. Empty Tristin's Mod App.

    Post by Tristin Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:58 pm

    Ayeeohhhh I'm tristin, 15 year old gamer who has a ps3.

    Name of Player: Tristin

    Why you are applying for moderator: I'd like to apply for moderator because I haven't in the past and i would like to help out in any possible way i can in growing this server.

    What do you think you can add to the server what the other moderators dont do: To be 100% honest, the staff in this game is too good. I don't know anything that they could be doing wrong therefor are doing an amazing job. The most i could do would be to help anyone who needs it, and help the other moderators in times of trouble.

    Where are you from?: I'm from Ontario, Canada.

    Whats your in real life name?: Tristin, same as In-Game.

    Contact info: You can contact me by email at: tristin1220@hotmail.com --- or by skype: i-system-i

    How active are you?: I'll usually try to be on as long as i possibly can so about 6-7 hours on weekdays and 8-10 hours on weekends Very Happy

    Do you think you get along well with the player of prevailscape?: Well I got along with the players 5 months ago when i first joined and donated, and so far i think i've gotten along with most of the players in the past few weeks.

    What have you done for the server?: I'd like to think that I have helped the newcomers find their way, and I believe i got a few people to join both now and months ago.

    What are your specialities?: Gaming, Co-operation, listening skills, music, ps3.

    Hobbies: Gaming, ps3, occasional skateboarding, hanging with friends, annnnd school.

    What would your friends say about you?: Nerd, gamer, fat, gay, retard, idiot, moron, you know.. anything that is an insult in any way. Friend nowadays scratch

    Extra info: I'd 15 years old going on 16 this year, I own a ps3 so if you wanna hook me up my psn is: systemiii just send me a message, I love this server (as i came back to it - Special thanks to ray for reminding me its back on) I'm in grade 9 (no i haven't failed any grades) and ray's a dick <3

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:16 pm